Creating SSP through Stsadm in Share Point
In order to create Shared service provider (SSP) in Share Point we need to have one MYSITE and one web application.
Creating MYSITE:
stsadm.exe -o extendvs -url http://hanuman:1010 -ownerlogin hanuman\administrator -owneremail -exclusivelyusentlm -databaseserver hanuman -databasename contdb1010 -donotcreatesite -apcreatenew -apidname app1010 -apidtype configurableid -apidlogin hanuman\administrator -apidpwd hanuman
Creating Web app:
stsadm.exe -o extendvs -url http://HANUMAN:1020 -ownerlogin hanuman\administrator -owneremail -exclusivelyusentlm -databaseserver hanuman -databasename MySiteContentDB2 -donotcreatesite -apcreatenew -apidname MySiteAppPool2 -apidtype configurableid -apidlogin hanuman\administrator -apidpwd hanuman
By using those two web apps url's we are going to create a ssp:
Creating SSP:
stsadm.exe –o createssp –title SSP12 -url http://HANUMAN:1020 -mysiteurl http://hanuman:1010 -ssplogin hanuman\administrator -indexserver hanuman -indexlocation "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\12.0\Data\Office Server\Applications" -ssppassword hanuman -sspdatabaseserver hanuman -sspdatabasename sspdb1
Here i have given INDEX SERVER as my app server and Index Location:C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\12.0\Data\Office Server\Applications
after that we need to do a IISRESET
Now SSP is created in Central administratin.By clicking on the ssp tab it will redirect to the web app url:http://hanuman:1020/ssp/admin/default.aspx [http://HANUMAN:1020] and
if we click on MYSITE option in any site collection we will redirect to the MYSITE url :http://hanuman:1010/personal/administrator/default.aspx [http://hanuman:1010]