Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Changing Service Account Password in the MOSS 2007

Changing Service Account Password in the MOSS 2007

1>Change Service account password in AD
2>Change the password in all the services that running under Service Account in the services.msc ..

3>Click on the services and go to log on tab and change the password for all the services that are running under Service Account
Change the application pool identity with the new password.
5>Run the following commands to update service account password in the MOSS Server

stsadm -o updateaccountpassword -userlogin abc\ramesh -password <> -noadmin
stsadm -o spsearch -farmserviceaccount abc\ramesh -farmservicepassword <>
stsadm -o spsearch -farmcontentaccessaccount abc\ramesh -farmcontentaccesspassword <>
stsadm -o updatefarmcredentials -userlogin abc\ ramesh -password <>

stsadm.exe -o editssp -title SSP_1 -ssplogin abc\ ramesh -ssppassword <>
stsadm.exe -o osearch -farmserviceaccount abc\ amesh -farmservicepassword <>

Issues I faced after changing the password in the MOSS2007 :

I changed the Password in all the places(Services) in my Server .But I faced a issue like service account was getting locked very oftenly.
Troubleshooting :
Checked whether any Scheduled tasks are running in the server with service account .
Deleted the Saved old passwords with in the server by using the command rundll32.exe keymgr.dll krshowkeymgr and remove those saved old Passwords.
Checked for any other application is using my service account details.
We already set the property for the People picker to Communicate to the AD .after that again I changed that property with the new Password and I run that stsadm setproperty again .

After that its started working fine with out locking.

Migrating Users from One Domain to Another Domain

STSADM Commands:

Migrate User:

1> Migrating users from One domain to another Domain
2> Changing the Display name or user name or email id.

Migrating Users from one domain to another domain. This may be due to decommission of the old domain or temporary domains.
Sometimes you may need to change your display name.

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN>
stsadm.exe -o migrateuser

Stsadm.exe –o migrateuser –oldlogin xyz\Ramesh –newlogin abc\Ramesh -ignoresidhistory

By using this we can maintain the old login permissions with the new login in the migrated domain.

Stsadm.exe –o migrateuser –oldlogin xyz\Ramesh –newlogin xyz\RameshBabu –ignoresidhistory

We need to add the – ignoresidhistory must to run this command as it will ignore the previous SID history.