Monday, October 7, 2013

List out all the Service Application's ApplicationPool Names

List out all the Service Application's ApplicationPool Names

Get-SPServiceApplication | Select Name, @{Name="SPAppPoolName"; Expression={$_.ApplicationPool.Name}},  @{Name="IISAppPoolName"; Expression={$_.ApplicationPool.Id}}, @{Name="ProcessAccountName"; Expression={$_.ApplicationPool.ProcessAccountName}}

Name                SPAppPoolName       IISAppPoolName      ProcessAccountName
----                -------------       --------------      ------------------
Access Services     SharePoint Web S... 69d737cf-869a-4f... Domain\serviceAccount
Secure Store Ser... SharePoint Web S... 69d737cf-869a-4f... Domain\serviceAccount
State Service
PowerPoint Service  SecurityTokenSer... b6ab2b22-72d1-45... Domain\serviceAccount
Word Viewing Ser... SecurityTokenSer... b6ab2b22-72d1-45... Domain\serviceAccount
PerformancePoint... SharePoint Web S... 69d737cf-869a-4f... Domain\serviceAccount
Visio Graphics S... SharePoint Web S... 69d737cf-869a-4f... Domain\serviceAccount
PXLGlobalMamnage... SharePoint Web S... 69d737cf-869a-4f... Domain\serviceAccount
SharePointPublis... SecurityTokenSer... b6ab2b22-72d1-45... Domain\serviceAccount
Web Analytics Se... SharePoint Web S... 69d737cf-869a-4f... Domain\serviceAccount
Web Analytics Se... webanalytics_SIPP   611c83ea-03fc-48... Domain\serviceAccount
Excel Services A... SharePoint Web S... 69d737cf-869a-4f... Domain\serviceAccount
SecurityTokenSer... SecurityTokenSer... b6ab2b22-72d1-45... Domain\serviceAccount
Topology            SharePoint Web S... 1ebcd7ea-ec58-4e... Domain\serviceAccount
WSS Usage Applic...
d92f1c29-b695-4d... SharePoint Web S... 69d737cf-869a-4f... Domain\serviceAccount
Word Automation ... SharePoint Web S... 69d737cf-869a-4f... Domain\serviceAccount
Application Regi...
User Profile Ser... SharePoint Web S... 69d737cf-869a-4f... Domain\serviceAccount
Business Data Co... SharePoint Web S... 69d737cf-869a-4f... Domain\serviceAccount
Search Service A... SharePoint Web S... 69d737cf-869a-4f... Domain\serviceAccount


Changing the Taxonomy Hub url in Managed Meta Data Service

 Changing the Taxonomy Hub url in Managed Meta Data Service

Set-SPMetadataServiceApplication -Identity "GlobalMamnagedMetadata" -HubURI "http://server:1000/sites/TaxonomyHub/"

Renaming a Service Application in SharePoint 2010

Renaming a Service Application in SharePoint 2010

# Name:            Rename-SPServiceApplication
# Descrption:     This script will rename a Service Application and its Proxy
# Usage:        Run the function with the Name and NewName Parameters
# By:             Ivan Josipovic,
Function Rename-SPServiceApplication ($Name,$NewName){
$Service = Get-SPServiceApplication -Name $Name

if ($Service -eq $null){
    Write-host -Foreground red "Error: Cant find $Name"
    return 1

$proxies = Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy
foreach ($Proxy in $proxies){
    if ($Service.IsConnected($Proxy)){
        Write-host "Proxy Found"
        if ($Proxy.Status -ne "Online"){
            Write-host -Foreground red "Error: The Proxy is currently is Status: $($Proxy.Status)"
            Write-host -Foreground red "Error: You will have to enable the Proxy before it can be modified, re-run the script once completed"
            return 1
        } else {
            $Proxy.Name = $NewName
$Service.Name = $NewName
Write-host "Completed with no Errors"
return 0

Rename-SPServiceApplication -Name "Managed Metadata Service" -NewName "GlobalMamnagedMetadata"


Thursday, October 3, 2013